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According to the CIA World Factbook: indigenous beliefs 21%, Muslim 16%, Christian 63%.

The religious composition of Ghana in the first post-independence population census of 1960 was 41 percent Christian, 38 percent traditionalist, 12 percent Muslim, and the rest (about 9 percent) no religious affiliation. A breakdown of the 1960 population according to Christian sects showed that 25 percent were Protestant; 13 percent, Roman Catholic; 2 percent, Protestant (Pentecostal); and 1 percent, Independent African Churches. The 1970 population census did not present figures on the religious composition of the nation.

Prior to contact with Europeans, there were many, varying forms of traditional belief held by the different peoples/tribes of Ghana. Modern day Ghana is predominantly Christian, with a large Muslim population, and also some holders of traditional beliefs. Being an adherent of a major religion does not preclude the holding of traditional beliefs, and many people hold both forms of belief.

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Q: What are the religions of Ghana?
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What are the religions practised in Ghana?

These are the religions of Ghana- Christian 69% Traditionalists 8.5% Muslim 15.6% Others 6.9%. There is no state religion, attendance at assemblies or devotional services is required in public schools, with a service that is generally Christian in nature. However, this requirement is not always enforced.

What is the main religion in Ghana?

The main religion in Ghana is Christianity at more than half of the population, followed by Islam, the traditional religion, no religion (most likely atheism), then all other religions.

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Ghana's Kings did not practice both religions at the same time. They first practiced local traditional religions and when Islam arrived in Ghana, they converted to Islam, but kept some distinctive touches from their traditional religions. They did not start as Muslims since Islam had not reached them yet. They converted to Islam because they were convinced it was correct. They kept small touches of their original religion out of loyalty to their history, culture, and those Ghanians who had not converted to Islam.

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What is the religon of Ghana?

Major religions: Christianity (69%), Islam (16%) and a small percentage of indigenous beliefs.Though I think Islam should be more than christianity and the indeginous beliefs because of the Arab traders that settled before the Uk and portuguese taught the Ghanian locals about Islam ^_^HOPE THIS HELPS :)

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What is Ghana?

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