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Q: What are the problems of political party in Nigeria today?
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By tackling the issue of bribery and corruption.

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What is the leading political party in Brazil?

Today the leading political party in Brazil is PT (in portuguese: Partido dos Trabalhadores, english: Worker's Party). That´s the political party of the President Lula. The Political position of PT is the Left.

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The tea party and the republican party.

What are the major political parties in the United Kingdom today?

The United Kingdom can be said to have three significant political parties. These include: The Conservative Party, The Labor Party, and the Liberal Party.

The Kansas Nebraska act eventually led to the birth of what political party?

The Republican Party, but not as you know it today

What are examples of minor political parties in America today?

The Green party

In todays Russia the communist party is?

Russia's communist part today is known as the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. It's the second largest political party in Russia today.

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It's called the Republican Party.

What is one of the most political parties today?

The question as posed makes no sense. No political party is "more political" than any other.

Is today an holiday in Nigeria what is happening today in Nigeria?

Yes,for national mourning