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Q: What are the problems facing lumbering and explain them?
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Lumbering is of economic importance to Africa because the industry provides six percent of Africa's GDP. In individual countries, it is a major industry that provides a large percentage of the overall income and provides jobs for local workers.

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What are the problems faced in lumbering?

Some common problems faced in lumbering include deforestation and habitat destruction, soil erosion, pollution from machinery and chemicals used in processing, and conflicts with indigenous communities over land rights and resource use. Additionally, unsustainable logging practices can lead to depletion of forests and loss of biodiversity.

Season of lumbering?

season of lumbering is from spring to winter

What is a company that is facing major problems?

A company that is facing major problems will see a decrease in sales and may fail to exist. As of 2014, BlackBerry is facing major problems.

How can you use the word lumbering in a sentence?

My neighbor told me that I have all the grace of a lumbering yak. Did you see the dazed bear lumbering toward you before you were attacked? "Let's go farming instead of lumbering today."

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the problems he was facing was doing everyones mom too much

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Sprint/Nextel is facing problems with high turnover

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The main problems that facing the haiti is food crisis.

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What is lumbering in Canada?

Please give a definition and introduction of Lumbering in Canada. Thank you