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In 1981, the United Kingdom decided to change the name of the remaining Crown Colonies to British Dependent Territories. In 2002, the UK again changed the name to British Overseas Territories.

Here is a list of British Overseas Territories:

Akrotiri and Dhekelia (On Cyprus, a former and now independent colony)



British Antarctic Territory

British Indian Ocean Territory

British Virgin Islands

Cayman Islands

Falkland Islands



Pitcairn Islands

Saint Helena & Ascension Islands

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

Turks and Caicos

Here is a list of Overseas territories that were once their own colony:



Falkland Islands


Note: A reason some Overseas territories (Turks & Caicos, St. Helena) were never colonies is because they were too small to be their own government.

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11y ago

They would be areas controlled directly by the British Government and politicians. The first British colonies were founded in the 1600-1700's, and the UK had colonies until 1981 (they simply changed the name from colony to territory, and still mantain a handful of overseas territories in Europe, the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans). The largest British colony was India.

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11y ago

There are no British colonies in Australia.

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15y ago

ENGLAND, NORTHERN Ireland,Scotland Wales.

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