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Q: What are the political subdivisions of Germany called?
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What are the political subdivisions of Germany?


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What is the most northernstate?

The world's northernmost state is Alaska, USA. There are political subdivisions that extend farthur north, but they are not called states.

The branch of geography that deals with boundaries and subdivisions of political units is called?

Political geography. It focuses on the study of how political boundaries are created, maintained, and changed over time, as well as the impact of these boundaries on human activity and relationships.

What is the subdivision of a country called?

The subdivision of a country is called a region, state, province, or county, depending on the country. These subdivisions help organize the country into smaller administrative units for governance and political purposes.

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The two subdivisions of the Precambrian Era are the Hadean and the Archean Eons.

What are the main subdivisions of a report called?

The main subdivisions of a report is called a section. A report usually comprises the table of contents, the introduction, the body and the references.

What is the name of subdivisions of a country?

The subdivisions of a country are typically called states, provinces, regions, or counties, depending on the country and its administrative structure.

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The political system that was used by fascists in Italy and Germany to cause fear in the people was called Fascism.

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What are the 3 major subdivisions of the Judaism called?

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