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Jordan River

Sea of Galilee (Kinneret)

Dead Sea

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Jordan River

Sea of Galilee (Kinneret)

Dead Sea

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Q: What are the names of the river and two seas that were found inside the ancient kingdom of israel canaan?
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Related questions

What was the name of the kingdom the Jewish people established in Canaan?

The land ("kingdom") of Israel.

How far is Canaan from Goshen?

Bethel was a city in ancient Israel, which was once called Canaan.

Did moses unify the people of Canaan into one kingdom that is Israel?

No, he did not

What ancient land was Abraham supposed to find?

The land of Canaan (presently: Israel).

What was the kingdom called that the hebrews tribes formed once they were back in canaan?

It was original called the Land of Israel, then it was Judea and Israel, then it was Palestine, then it was the State of Israel.

How many tribes did ancient Israel have?

When the Israelite's conquered Canaan there were twelve tribes

Where did the Hebrew people establish a kingdom at the end of the Exodus from Egypt?

In the land of Israel (formerly Canaan).

Where did the Israelites build a kingdom?

The Israelites built a kingdom in the land of Canaan. This is the area we now know as Israel, Lebanon, the western portion of Jordan, the southwestern section of Syria, and the Palestinian territories.

What are 10 different names giving to the Jewish holy land?

Canaan; Divided Kingdom; Eretz Israel; Israel; Judea; Palestine; Pelesheth; Philistia; Samaria; United Kingdom

What was the name of the kingdom that the hebrews established in canaan which they believed was their promised land?

It was called the Land of Israel, later divided into the kingdoms of Israel and Judea, but then reunited as Israel.

What is the pre Israel name of name the country?

starting about 4000 years ago, here is a list of names for Israel: Canaan The land of Israel The Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judea The (United) Kingdom of Israel Palestine In 1948, part of it became Israel, and the other part was supposed to become Palestine, but the Arab nations refused the partition.

Is israel an assyrian nation?

No. The Ancient Northern Kingdom of Israel was conquered by Assyria, but that is the extent of the relationship between Israel and Assyria. The modern State of Israel was founded by the descendants (2600+ years later) of the Ancient Southern Kingdom of Judah.