

Best Answer

Acropolis of Athens is a flat-topped rock that rises 150 m (490 ft) above sea level in the city of Athens, with a surface area of about 3 hectares. It has a complex history and is the site of the following architectural monuments:-

  1. Parthenon
  2. Old Temple of Athena
  3. Erechtheum
  4. Statue of Athena Promachos
  5. Propylaea
  6. Temple of Athena Nike
  7. Eleusinion
  8. Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia or Brauroneion
  9. Chalkotheke
  10. Pandroseion
  11. Arrephorion
  12. Altar of Athena
  13. Sanctuary of Zeus Polieus
  14. Sanctuary of Pandion
  15. Odeon of Herodes Atticus
  16. Stoa of Eumenes
  17. Sanctuary of Asclepius or Asclepieion
  18. Theatre of Dionysus Eleuthereus
  19. Odeon of Pericles
  20. Temenos of Dionysus Eleuthereus
  21. Aglaureion
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Q: What are the names of the Acropolis buildings in it?
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What is the name of the buildings that the Greeks builded?

Names of buildings that the greeks built were called The Parthenon, The Collesium, The Acropolis, The temple of Hephaestus, The temple of Athena

What is the capital of Acropolis?

The Acropolis is a group of buildings (including the Parthenon) which housed part of the ancient government of Athens in Greece.

What was the Acropolis in a short answer?

An ancient citadel - a group of buildings - in Athens, in ancient Greece.

What buildings are on the Acropolis?

Principally the Parthenon, the Propylaia, the Erechtheion and the Temple of Athena Nike.

What type of building did the Greeks build on the acropolis?

They built special buildings, such as temples and theaters

What is a hill in a greek city where temples and government buildings are located called?

It is called an acropolis.

A hilltop fortress in ancient Athens that includes the Parthenon and other famous buildings is called?

The acropolis

What famous structures buildings are still there today?

if your looking for in Greece. there is: Delphi Acropolis Olympia and many more

Was the Acropolis the first building made in ancient Greece?

No, other buildings were raised thousands of years before it.

How would you define acropolis?

An acropolis is a fortified area of a city built on a high ground, typically used for defense in ancient Greek city-states. It often included important religious, governmental, and cultural buildings. The most famous example is the Acropolis of Athens, which includes the Parthenon.

What is an early Greek settlement on a high rocky hill?

The early Greek settlement on a high rocky hill is called an acropolis. It served as a fortified citadel in ancient Greek city-states and often housed temples, palaces, and other important buildings. The most famous acropolis is the Acropolis of Athens, which includes the iconic Parthenon.

What famous landmark is in Athens Greece?

There was actually two famous buildings, Acropolis and Parthenon. The Acropolis was also nick-named "The sacred rock". The Parthenon was a temple that the Greeks used to pray in, but now it's crumbled rock. Now you've learnt more than you asked for!