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a factory in Mexico run by a foreign company and exporting its products to the country of that company.

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Abbie Botsford

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2y ago
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8y ago

a factory in Mexico run by a foreign company and exporting its products to the country of that company.

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Q: What are the maquiladora?
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What are factories in Mexico that assemble parts made in the united stats?

Maquiladora. It is not limited to products made from US parts, but the term refers to all manufacturing and assembly plants built with foreign capital. These include other countries such as Japan (Sony, Honda), Germany (Volkswagen, ThyssenKrupp) or France (Bombardier).

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What is the name of a foreign factory in Mexico?

They are called maquiladoras.

What do you call a factory in Mexico?

The literal translation is "fabrica". However, assembly plants that manufacture products for export are commonly known as "maquiladora".

What are foreign companies that work in Mexico called?

Foreign-owned assembly and manufacturing plantsclose to the US-Mexico border are called maquiladoras. You should be aware that this term does not apply to all "foreign companies".For example, a chocolate-making plant hardly qualifies as a maquiladora. On the other hand, a TV assembly plant in Tijuana or Juarez IS a maquiladora; while an assembly plant deeper inside Mexico, in Aguascalientes, for example, is not.

What does Mexico assemble?

Everything. From cell phones and plasma TVs to motor vehicles to aircraft parts, maquiladora plants assemble many different kinds of products in Mexico.

What was a maquila?

It is a Mexican manufacturing operation where factories import material and equipment, on a duty free basis, for assembly, then export the assembled objects back to the country of origin. That is Maquila, or in full, Maquiladora