San Salvador is the largest city in El Salvador.
El Salvador is the name of the Nation, while San Salvador refers to the capital of El Salvador. In most Latin American and Latin-influenced nations, "San" or "Santa" are names given to major cities due to the spanish colonization that brought catholism to such regions. "EL" Salvador refers to "THE" EL SALVAdOR or "the" republic of el salvador. ' in all categories.
The major religion is Roman Catholic
Roman Carholic
pacific ocean
Honduras has land borders with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua.
Salvador, Bahia, is the capital of the State of Bahia.San Salvador is the capital of El Salvador.
hills, plain (maybe), and mountains.
Up your but, salsa elmagneifico, and daisy
Central El Salvador Mission - 28,743 East El Salvador Conference - 52,347 Metropolitan El Salvador Conference - 36,338 Paracentral El Salvador Mission - 36,576
What is the postal code of el salvador?