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Q: What are the main imports of Germany?
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What are the main imports for Germany?

New and used vehicles are the top imports for Germany. Pharmaceutical and medical supplies are a close second. Aircraft engines and parts are another main import for Germany._________That sounds more like imports from Germany.

What are Germany's imports?

Germany's main imports include machinery, vehicles, chemicals, food, textiles, and metals. Germany's imports mainly come from China, Netherlands, France, US, UK, Belgium, and Austria.

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Germany's main imports: raw material & food stuffexport: very high grade manufactured goods; such as cars.

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The main imports of Greece are chemicals, equipment used for transport, fuels, and machinery. About 25 percent of Greece's imports come from Germany and Italy.

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What are the main import of Germany?

The main imports of Germany would be machinery, data processing equipment, vehicles, chemicals, oil and gas, metals, electric equipment, pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs, and agricultural products.

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What is Germany's primary imports?

Every country has imports and export needs, based on what they have available to them. In 2013, the leading import for Germany was oil

What are the major imports in Germany?

Germany imports were worth 76.80 Billion EUR in July of 2012. Historically, from 1991 until 2012, Germany Imports averaged 45.3 Billion EUR reaching an all time high of 81.4 Billion EUR in March of 2012 and a record low of 21.8 Billion EUR in January of 1993. German's principal merchandise imports are motor vehicles, chemical products, machinery, oil and gas and computers . Germany's main import partners are European Union countries (France, Netherlands, Italy, UK, Belgium), United States and China. This page includes a chart with historical data for Germany Imports.