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Fiji exports the following to other countries:-

  1. Seaweeds
  2. Fish/Tuna etc
  3. Canned Fiji Fish
  4. Clothing & Textiles
  5. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
  6. Fiji Water
  7. Fiji lotions, cream, conditioners and shampoos
  8. Fiji Biscuits
  9. Colgate, Soap, toiletries.
  10. Flip flops, shoes and sandals
  11. Yaqona/Kava
  12. Fijian Handicrafts
  13. Brown Sugar
  14. Taro and Cassava
  15. Potatoe Chips such as:-Bongo, Twisties, Ufos, Penguins, etc
  16. Dried Cream Milk
  17. Etc
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15y ago
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10y ago

Exports from Fiji to Australia include food items such as ginger, papaya, flour, sweet biscuits and taro. Garments have now started to be exported to Australia also.

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11y ago

Fish,Sugar and Gold

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12y ago

Sugarcane is the main export.

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Q: What are the exports of Fiji?
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What are major exports in Fiji?

sugarcane is the major exports.

What are Fiji's major exports?

sugar and garments

How does Fiji make money?

Through Tourism, Sugarcane exports, fish exports,seaweeds exports to Japan & South Korea, Fruits and Vegetable exports, Timber/Lumber exports, Manufactured good exports like shoes, clothing, lotions, shampoos, soaps, handicrafts, cement, biscuits, candies/lollies/sweets export and other many exports that generate Fiji's economy.

What country exports the most gold?

.Alaska .Fiji .Tonga .Samoa

Who exports the most oil to the u.s.?

The US imports the majority of it's oil from Fiji.

What is the trade in Fiji?

Fiji's main exports are sugar, clothing, gold, timber, fish, molasses and coconut oil. The main export destinations are US, UK Australia and other pacific island countries. The two way trade between Australia and Fiji has steadily declined since 2000, largely due to a reduction in Australian exports of petroleum, textiles, clothing and footwear. (or a fat moon cow)

Does Fiji export rice?


What was the Fiji's name before it was actually named Fiji?

FIJI has foe ever been FIJI

What type of economic system does Fiji have?

Fiji has a developing, free-market economy. A large portion of its production remains in subsistence agriculture and approximately 18% of GDP is in agriculture alone. Its chief exports include sugar and garments (primary and secondary goods) while its chief imports include chemicals, heavy machinery, and food stuffs.

What is Fiji's official name?

Republic of the Fiji IslandsThe Sovereign Republic of the Fiji Islands.

How many countries do Fiji have?

There is only one country in Fiji: Fiji.

What is Fiji's continent located on?

Fiji is located in Australasia