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Southwest Asia is one of the most diverse regions of the world with an incredible number of minorities and ethnic subdivisions within what are usually established as monolithic ethnic groups. The largest ethnic groups in Southwest Asia are the Arabs, Persians, Turks, Kurds, Jews, and the Copts.

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The largest ethnic groups in Southwest Asia are, in decreasing numbers: Arabs, Turks, Persians, Kurds, Copts, and Jews.

Conversely, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are the most popular religions in the regions.

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Q: What are the ethnic groups in southwest Asia?
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What are 3 ethnic groups in southwest Asia?

muslims, islam,There are a few ethnic groups in SW Asia. The top three ethnic groups are Muslims, Arabs and Islam.

What are ethnic groups in southwest Asia?

Some prominent ethnic groups in Southwest Asia include: Arabs, Turks, Kurds, Persians, Azeris, Jews, Copts, Maronites, Druze, Assyrians, as well as many other ethnic minorities.

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It is unknown which ethnic group in Southwest Asia is the smallest. There are numerous ethnic groups in Southwest Asia that comprise only a few families, but they remain very isolated. In terms of recognizable ethnic groups, Shabak People (those who celebrate the religion of Shabakism) make up only 60,000 individuals. Zoroastrians, who have a worldwide population of 137,000 individuals only have a Middle East presence of 26,000 individuals, even though Zoroastrianism was founded in Iran.

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The largest ethic group in southwest Asia is the Arabs.

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Are the kurds the largest ethnic group in southwest Asia?

NO. The Arabs are the largest ethnic group in Southwest Asia. There are at least 150 million Arabs in the Middle East, whereas there are only 35 million Kurds.

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Were there any ethnic groups on board the Titanic?

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What is the largest ethnic group in sw Asia?

The largest ethic group in southwest asia is the Arabs.

What ethnic group of southwest asia has neer had their own country?

A number of ethnics groups in Southwest Asia never had their own country. This included the Apaches, along with the Comanches and Navajo Indian tribes. Unlike the Mexicans, Whites and Spaniards, the native tribes of the Southwest never officially had their own lands or country. While they were the indigenous people of the Southwest and America, their lands were confiscated by greedy European settlers and imperialists.

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