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The Green Revolution was sparked most notably by new knowledge and enhanced technology in chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation techniques, to name a few. Pakistan has further developed these assets and now has a self-sufficient agricultural system.

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Q: What are the effects of green revolution in Pakistan?
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Why green revolution period is considered as golden period in Pakistan culture?

In the period of green revolution Pakistan use all its efforts to produce best output in an agriculture sector which supports about 52% GDP in that era.

Positive effects of green revolution?

more food

When was Green Party of Pakistan created?

Green Party of Pakistan was created on 2002-04-28.

In India and Pakistan what is the word meaning a revolution?

Inqilab (see page 864 Chambers Dictionary) India & Pakistan word for revolution (Urdu)

National color of Pakistan?

green is the national colour of Pakistan

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Pakistan Revolution (1936 - 1947).

Did Bangladesh have a revolution?

Bangladesh had a revolution twice. In 1947, Bangladesh which was part of India at the time, got its independence from Britain. Bangladesh then became East Pakistan and what is now Pakistan became West Pakistan. In 1971, East Pakistan got its independence from West Pakistan and became Bangladesh.

National colour of Pakistan?

green (bottle green)

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The earth's revolution effects the season and makes a complete year

Who is the father of the green revolution?

Norman Borlaug is the father of green revolution but M S Swaminathan is regarded as the father of green revolution in India.

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