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Answer 1

Historically speaking the expansion of the Muslim Empire started during the Reign of the second Caliph Hazrat Umar (RU). The adventure in North Africa continued during Umayyad Caliphate between AD 647-709.

The Muslims treated the local population very kindly. They allowed them to practice their own religions -Judaism, Christianity and others. They had the right to get education and reach to the high positions under Muslim administration. This treatment of the Muslims inspired many of the local people to embrace Islam. It had positive effects.

The Christians including their priests, who had first left their homes in terror came back and passed a happy and prosperous life. A well-known Christian writer says: 'The Moors (Muslims) organised that wonderful kingdom of Cordova, which was the marvel of the Middle Ages, and which, when all Europe was plunged in barbaric ignorance and strife, alone held the torch of learning and civilisation bright and shining before the Western world.' (adopted)

The Muslim traders played very strong and positive role in the spread of Islam in Africa. They also helped to give a boost to the economy of African peoples.

Answer 2

In terms of modern effects, Islam serves as cultural unifier across North Africa since (with the exception of the Egyptian Copts) almost all North Africans are Muslim. In some countries, Islamic Laws and Islamist Parties are more potent (like Libya and Algeria) and in others, more secular dominates (like Morocco and Tunisia), but the religion has a consistent societal function to play.

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