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The dingo practically only has one predator, which is man.

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Q: What are the dingo predators?
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Is one of a kookaburras predators a dingo?

It is unusual for a dingo to prey on a kookaburra when there is easier game available, but if the opportunity arises, a dingo will certainly eat a kookaburra.

What are the predators of a dingo?

The dingo has no natural native predators. Man has become a predator of the dingo, setting dingo traps to keep this animal away from stock. Wild, feral dogs are a threat to the native dingo also, but much inter-breeding goes on between wild dogs and true dingoes.

What is the enemy of a dingo?

The only enemy of the dingo is people. Being at the top of the food chain, healthy adult dingoes do not have any other natural predators. Man could be considered an enemy of the dingo.

What hunts a dingo?

Dingoes are at the top of the food chain. They have no natural predators in Australia.

Do Australian shepherds have predators?

Dingo's could go for them if they are weak but nothing else should be a problem.

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Anything bigger then them: Birds of Prey Wild Dogs and Dingo's Big Cats And more....

What is a dingoes predetos?

Dingos have no natural predators, as they are Australia's top and only land-based predator, though, the dingo does have prey that can fight back, kangaroos, etc. The dingo's only "predator" is people.

Do dingoes eat wombats?

Yes, a dingo [Canis lupus dingo] would eat a cactus if need be. Dingoes indeed are known to nibble on fruits and plants. But a cactus would be low on the dingo's list of preferred foods. A dingo favors medium to large sized mammals.

What animals are the top predators in Australia?

The top native predators in Australia are the Wedge-tailed eagle, the Tasmanian devil and the various species of quolls. The dingo is a top predator also, but it is a relative newcomer, having been brought to Australia by the Aborigines several thousand years ago.

What is the predators of the cockatoos?

powerful, rufous owl, wedge tailed eagle, tasmanian devil, dingo, foxes and python will kill and eat cockatoos

What is a marsupial mammal's predators?

It depends on the species and the continent. For many, the main predators are birds of prey such as eagles and hawks. In Australia, different predators may include the dingo, introduced foxes and wild dogs, carpet pythons, Tasmanian devils (in Tasmania) and quolls.

How does dingos protect them selves for predators?

DINGO'S They protect themselves and there young by hiding in there homes. They also get a strong sent to worn them when danger is around.