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is human features the things that show somethng else

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11y ago
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10y ago

The most important would be the fact that most Mexicans are the result of interracial marriages between Europeans and Native Americans, resulting on the mestizo ethnic group, whic comprises 60-80% of the population.

See related questions for further detail.

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9y ago

Mexico is an ethnically diverse nation, and the Mexican constitution defines the country to be multicultural.

Most Mexicans are Mestizos, people of mixed European ("White") and Native American background. They account for 60-80% of the Mexican population (between 67 up to 90 million in 2010).

The Native American, or Amerindian population ranges from 10% to 30% of the population (between 11 and 34 million in 2010) and such people are the pure descendants of Native American peoples who inhabited Mexico before the arrival of Europeans during the 16th century. Some ethnic groups including this classification are the Nahuatl, Maya, Zapotec, Mixtec, Otomi and Totonac.

There is also a percentage of Mexicans of pure white European descent, representing 9 to 17% of the population (10 up to 19 million in 2010). Most European or "Criollo" Mexicans are of Spanish descent, including Basques, Castilians and Galicians. There are also many descendants of other European ethnic groups, including French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Irish, Polish, Romanian, Greek, Russian, and British from contemporary (since 1821) Immigration as well as many first or second-generation immigrants of Canadian and Americandescent (since 1900).

There are also many people from African descent (i.e: "Afro-Mexicans"). Now largely assimilated in the general population, they have historically been located in certain communities in southern Mexico. They comprise 2% of the general population (1-2 million).

Mexico has traditionally welcomed immigrants and refugees from conflicted areas throughout the world. Middle Eastern Mexicans are the result of such policies; right now this ethnic group makes up to 1% (1.1 million) of the Mexican population. Most "Arab Mexicans" trace their origins to Lebanon, with many other from Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine. There are also Mexicans of Turkish, Iranian, Israeli (Middle Eastern Jews), and Armenian descent.

More recently, there have been many non-European migrants to Mexico, specially East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans), as well as Southeast Asians (Filipinos). They make up another 1% of the Mexican population (1.1 million).

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A human feature is something widesread across humans like most are christian etc.

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Lvl 13
1y ago

Mexico is a place, and so does not have human characteristics.

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10y ago

The population of New Mexico consists of around 80 percent white and 10 percent Native American residents. The population is around 3 percent black and 1 percent Asian.

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13y ago

what are the human characteristics of Mexico

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9y ago

they have two arms (most of them) and two legs (usually) and a nose and mouth. . :)

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12y ago

language, economy, festivals, art, education and much much much more

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11y ago

they have a dark completion and are around 4 to 6 ft in height

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