High interest savings just aren't as high as they used to be, thanks to the low interest rates being set by the fed. If you are able to find a savings account giving greater than 2%, consider it too good to pass up.
One can find the highest savings interest rates by going to the Savings Accounts website. The website has a list of the top 10 Savings Accounts that have high interest rates.
There are many options for savings accounts which provide different interest rates. For traditional savings accounts, online banks typically yield the best rates.
Chase currently offers an interest rate of .5 on their savings accounts. These are not high rates.
Bank of America and Suntrust offer very similar interest rates on savings accounts. For up to date information on savings accounts check bankrate.com
High yield saving rates are simply savings accounts that pay a greater amount of interest from the financial institution to the account holder. As such, these rates require a greater amount of money to be committed to accrue higher rates of return.
Bank savings interest rates in the UK are pretty much the same as they are in the US. Different banks offer different interest rates, ranging from 4% to 12%.
One can compare the best interest rates on savings accounts by going to various bank review websites. They will list all the banks and their respective interest rates.
Interest rates vary depending on the bank the savings account is in. For a high yield savings account, interest rates can be from 0.95-3.0% annual percentage yield.
Interest Rates for Savings Accounts vary. The current rates are about 1.51% and lower. Log on to your local bank website to view more details.
There are many interest rates offered by Military Bank Online on their savings accounts. The interest rates that Military Bank Online offers on their service accounts are as low as 3%.