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Q: What are the avrege temp in the north east region?
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If the arctic is under the equator like Australia how is it so cold?

The arctic is NOT "under the equator." It is at the north polar region. The Antarctic is at the south polar region; the average temp in the polar regions are much colder than at the equator.

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i think it is verry cool

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cause its sunny there

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The extreme cold temperatures and long periods of darkness in the polar regions create harsh conditions for plant growth. The presence of ice and snow cover also limits the availability of liquid water, which is essential for plant survival. Additionally, the soils in these areas are often nutrient-poor, further restricting plant growth.

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the temp. is normally 79

What is the climate in Patagonia like?

the average temp. in the north is 54 to 64 degrees F.

How hot is Thailand in February?

Average daytime temp is 31c From November to the end of February the climate is much less trying with a cooling North East breeze and a reduction in the humidity level. This is also the main tourist season, and the best time to visit Thailand.

What is the temp in Russia?

The temperature in Russia is 7 degrees Celsius. Depending on the region, winters can drop below -65 degrees Celsius.

What temp is it when robins fly south?

To hibernate so if the north is to cold then the bird will fly to the south and when th south is to cold the bird will fly to the north a gain

What is the temp in Mexico now - Dec 26 2009?

It wildly varies from city to city and region to region; a good indication of the temp in Mexico would be that of Ciudad Juarez (northern Mexico), Mexico City (central Mexico) and Cancun (southern Mexico): Ciudad Juarez: 32ºF (0ºC) Mexico City: 45ºF (7ºC) Cancun: 70ºF (21ºC)

What is the Reptile cannot live in cold region?

because they are cold-blooded animals so their body temp stays the same temp as the surroundings.

What is temp on the north of the equator?

The equator is an IMAGINARY line that runs round the centre of the Earth. The temperature at a particular location on it will be the same just to the north and just to the south of this location.