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Advantages - You get to learn about different cultures and try their food.

Disadvantages - People from a different culture have different oppinions and might not like what you do

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limitations of living in mauritius

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a multi-racial country in mauritius?
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Some advantages of living in a multiracial country like Mauritius?

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the advantages are that they benefit the country and gives back money when they come to stay at the resorts

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Mauritius is an independent country and so it is not controlled by any other country.

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i don't know eh.haha

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The United States has democracy. Brazil has democracy. Both countries are multiracial. The system seems to work for both of them.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism industry for Mauritius?

Tourists like to eat bajias and dhal puris rather than mc donalds, that's why we Mauritians are more keen on treating them like kings! Go to their country, they'll treat you like servants. lol