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The snowshoe hare has a number of adaptations that enable it to survive in its environment.

Also known as the snowshoe rabbit, its hind feet are large and covered in thick hair that prevent it from sinking into the snow.

The colour of its coat changes with the seasons. During the warmer seasons, its fur is brown in colour, to better blend in with its environment and help keep it hidden from predators. In winter, once it starts snowing, the coat turns white.

The snowshoe hare also changes its diet with the different seasons. In summer it will feed on ferns, leaves and grass, while in winter it will feed on tree bark and twigs.

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Q: What are the adaptations of a snowshoe hare?
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Snow shoe hare adaptations?

snowshoe hares adaptions is their white fur helps them blend into its surrondings

Is a snowshoe hare a rodent?

yes they are

How is the snowshoe hare and the Arctic fox different?

The snowshoe hare and the Arctic fox are different in several ways. First, they have different adaptations for their environment. The snowshoe hare has large feet that help it walk on snow while the Arctic fox has thick fur that helps it withstand the cold temperatures. Additionally, they have different diets. The snowshoe hare primarily eats plants while the Arctic fox mainly feeds on small mammals and birds.

Is a snowshoe hare vertebrata or invertebrate?

A snowshoe hare is a mammal. All mammals are vertebrates.

How tall is a snowshoe hare?

I am sorry, but I have no clue how tall this snowshoe hare is.

What are the adaptions for the snowshoe hare?

snowshoe hare white fur helps them blend into its snowy surroundings.

What is a snowshoe hair a herbivoreomnivore or a carnivore?

The Snowshoe Hare is a herbivore.

What is the habitat of the snowshoe hare?

snowshoe hares are found in the northern forests.

What is the snowshoe hare habitat?

snowshoe hares are found in the northern forests.

Is a hare a carnivore omnivore or a herbivore?

The snowshoe hare is a herbivore.

What are the adaptations of the snowshoe hare?

The snowshoe hare has a number of adaptations that enable it to survive in its environment. Also known as the snowshoe rabbit, its hind feet are large and covered in thick hair that prevent it from sinking into the snow. The colour of its coat changes with the seasons. During the warmer seasons, its fur is brown in colour, to better blend in with its environment and help keep it hidden from predators. In winter, once it starts snowing, the coat turns white. The snowshoe hare also changes its diet with the different seasons. In summer it will feed on ferns, leaves and grass, while in winter it will feed on tree bark and twigs.

What is the snowshoe hare adapted to?
