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Moscow is the largest city in Europe. It is located on the Moskva River in Russia.

London is the second largest city in Europe. It is located on the Thames River in the UK.

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Q: What are the 2 largest cities in Europe and what rivers are they located?
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London, located on the Thames River, and Paris located on the Seine River

Why cities in Europe are located at the bank of the rivers?

Cities in Europe are located at the banks of rivers because the people use the rivers as transport routes to transport goods from place to place

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Many of the largest cities in Southwest Asia are located on or near: Major Rivers!! Hope this helps c: :p

Two major rivers in Europe?

There are many major rivers which are located in Europe. Some of the largest include the Volga, Danube, Ural, and Dnieper rivers.

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The largest city in Europe is Istanbul with a population of 14,160,467. The second and third largest cities are Moscow and London.

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Many of the largest cities have a major body of water nearby, such as a river, lake, or ocean. Water sources have historically played a key role in the development of urban centers for transportation, trade, and access to resources.

Where are most of Europe major rivers located?

all over Europe

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Rivers in Europe are useful for internal navigation because they do not have sudden breaks and connect various towns and cities.

What three major cities are located near rivers?

Difficult to answer - Where a the cities located? What is the definition of major? What is the interpretation of near?