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Sunshine laws mandate transparency in government dealings, e.g. Open Meetings laws and requirement of full disclosure, in order to prevent corruption. Instances in which complete openness is impossible (such as Intelligence) still must be carefully recorded. == Generally speaking, Sunshine laws are laws that (1) require government bodies to conduct their business at meetings open to the public and/or (2) give the public the right to obtain access to government documents. However, Sunshine laws usually contain exceptions to both of these requirements. The exceptions allow government (1) to exclude the public from meetings at which certain types of items are discussed and/or decided and (2) to keep certain types of records or documents confidential. The provisions in the Sunshine Laws of each state differ.

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Q: What are sunshine laws?
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What led states to adopt sunshine laws?

Sunshine laws are also called open meeting laws, and generally require proceedings of public bodies to be conducted in public. Calls for transparency in government led to such legislation.

This requires government meetings to be open to the public?

sunshine laws !!!!

These types of laws force government officials to hold open meetings?

They are collectively referred to as "sunshine laws."

What is the difference between sunset laws and sunshine laws?

A sunset clause is a clause in a statute that specifies a date after which the law of which it is a part will no longer be in effect and will no longer have the force of law.Government-in-the-sunshine laws are laws that specify that the proceedings of governing processes such as governing councils or administrative tribunals are to be conducted in a public manner and that the incidents thereto and records thereof are made, and kept, publicly accessible. In some States, government-in-the-sunshine laws are specified in the State Constitution, and not merely in statute.

What is the sunshine law?

It is a phrased derived from a quote that "sunshine is the best disinfectant". It was meant to connote that government activities should always be conducted "out in the open" so the public can scrutinize their elected officials.

Can a board member bring a lawyer to a nonprofit board meeting?

It depends on the by-laws and the status of the agency and the sunshine laws that may or may not apply. Such laws vary by state.

What type of laws enforce government officials to hold open meetings?

The type of law that prohibits public officials meeting in secret is generally called a "Sunshine Law" or more specifically, an "Open Public Meetings Act" or some similar name.

In the US legal system what term means statutes that provides public access to governmental agency records?

sunshine laws

Are sunshine laws constitutionally mandated?

It is handled on a case by case basis because of separation of power and other issues with the application.

What is 10 reasons why Florida is famous?

# Sunshine # Spaceflight # Sunshine # Beaches # Sunshine # Spring break # Sunshine # The Everglades # Sunshine # Oranges # Sunshine # Walt Disney World # Sunshine # Tourism # Sunshine # Beach babes and bodybuilders # Sunshine # Hurricanes # Sunshine # Birdwatching # Sunshine # Alligators and other critters # Sunshine # Football # Sunshine # SeaWorld # Sunshine # Politics # Sunshine # Did anyone mention hurricanes # More Sunshine # The legendary fountain of youth # Even more sunshine # Scuba diving and coral reefs # Lots and lots of sunshine.