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Here are some things:

  • Population
  • Plague
  • War
  • Technology
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Q: What are some things that have spread all over Europe?
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Where had enlightenment ideas spread outside europe?

Enlightenment ideas spread to the American colonies, influencing the development of the United States. They also inspired reform movements in Latin America, particularly during its struggles for independence from colonial rule. Additionally, Enlightenment principles were embraced by some leaders in India, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire, leading to various social and political reforms.

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Islam originally began in the Arabian Peninsula, then by trading and traveling and the big Islamic empires spread all over southeast Asia, Africa, some parts or Europe and etc..

Is there an American history without History of Europe?

The answer is, no. Most of our history is based on European history because many things, for example, the Louisiana Purchase, happened because of our freedom from Europe. Although we were allies, we still argued over some things because that is what countries do. But, your answer is, no. There isn't an American history without the history of Europe.

What were some goals of the US in the cold war?

Containtment. They wanted to prevent the spread of Soviet influence in Europe.

The romans were another advanced civilization in Euorope List some things given to us by the romans?

The Romans played a large role in the spread of Christianity in Europe. The Romans advanced civilization paved the way for democratic ideals.

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What are some things in Europe that start with y?

York, United Kingdom