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There are no species of geckos that are native to Tasmania. However, there are other species of lizards that are native to Tasmania. The cold climate makes it difficult for most reptiles to survive though.

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Q: What are some species of gecko that are native to Tasmania?
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How long do Gecko live?

Under 10 years.

Is a gecko a omnjivore?

Not all gecko species are but indeed some are. An example of a gecko that eats both insects and fruits are the Crested Geckos, native to the islands of New Caledonia. They rely on a multitude of fruits, nectars, pollens, insects, spiders etc..

Ca geckos eat leaves?

Most gecko species are insectivorous. Some species of gecko are omnivorous species, although they do not tend to eat leaves.

Do gecko lay eggs?

Yes. Most species of geckos lay eggs. There are few but some gecko species that bear live births, this is referred to as vivipary or ova-viviparous. Some species that bear live births include: Naultinus elegans elegans, Rhacodactylus trachyrhynchus, Rhacodactylus trachycephal.Most of the world's gecko species lay eggs, though not all geckos reproduce this way. Some species, such as the approximately 40 gecko species endemic to New Zealand, give birth to live young.

Do gecko lizards eat lettuce?

Most species of gecko are insectivores. This means they rely on a variety of live feeders such as worms, crickets and roaches. There are also some species of gecko that are omnivores relying on a variety of fruits, saps, pollens and insects. There are not species of gecko that rely on a veggie diet though and they will most likely not eat lettuce.

Does the gecko live in fresh water?

Some species may, will other species live on land

Why are some gecko's green?

There are over 1200 species of gecko. Some may be only 1" long, while others are 14" long. Some may be yellow while others are red. As in many different dogs, the same species can exibit many different colors. The same is for certain species of gecko such as the leopard and the crested. They can come in a multitude of colors and patterns.

What looks like a baby gecko only it's red?

Some gecko species such as the Crested gecko or the Gargoyle gecko can be born red. Throughout their growth, some may loose the red coloration and others may have the red color brighten.

Is a gecko a omnivoreherbivoreor carnivore?

Some species of gecko are insectivores, relying on a variety of insects as a stable source of diet. others are more omnivorous as they will eat a variety of insects but also include saps, pollens and fruits in their diet. There are no species of gecko that rely on "Meat" like a carnivore. There are also no gecko species that are "herbivores" eating grass, vegetation, and leafs.

Do geckos have live babies?

Yes, they can. While the majority of gecko species lay eggs, there are some gecko species that bear live births, in a method known as vivipary or ova-viviparous. Some species that bear live births include: Naultinus elegans elegans, Rhacodactylus trachyrhynchus, Rhacodactylus trachycephal. In addition, there are approximately 40 gecko species endemic to New Zealand which all give birth to live young. No New Zealand gecko lays eggs.

Will a gecko eat a carrot?

No, a gecko is not able to consume a carrot. These animals are usually insectivores (some being omnivorous and enjoying fruits, saps etc..) but there are no gecko species whose diet consist of vegetables.

Where do geckos make their nests?

When it comes time to laying eggs, gecko species will burrow into the soil and lay a clutch of hard shelled eggs about 4-8" deep in moist soil. Some species of gecko are able to stick their eggs to an object with a sticky substance surrounding the eggs and few species of gecko bear live births.