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With the discovery of gold by John Sutter in 1848 the mass movement of people into the state was just too much. I have read letters describing miles of wagons backed up at the state line of CA trying to cross and as many as 40,000 people a day coming into the area. This was beyond the small Mexican army, and the US was just waiting off the coast to take advantage of the situation. When John C. Fremont took the governor and claimed the Bear Flag Republic that was the end. On Sept. 9, 1850 CA became a state.

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The U.S. purchased it.

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Q: What are some reasons why Mexico lost control of California?
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What are some reasons Mexico lost control of California?


What allowed Spain to take so much control of the Americas?

Actually Spain didn't have control of America. They had settled in California and the southwest in the 1500's and had some of Florida, but they lost by the late 1700's. Mexico took over the California and southwest areas while they lost Florida to American settlement.

What years did Mexico have claim over Texas and California?

It was the other way around: at first, Mexico was owner of both Texas and California. Texas was lost on 1835, and then California, as well as some other territories, on 1848.

Who purchasednew Mexico and California?

Nobody. Both territories were considered war booty after Mexico lost the Mexican-American War (1846-1848).

Name three states mexico lost in 1846?

In 1846, the U.S. invaded Mexico in the Mexican War. The war resulted in the United States annexation of Texas, New Mexico, and California.

Why did the Spaniards set up mines and cattle ranches in the northern Mexico?

Because Mexico as well as the lost territories (including California or Texas) is a resource-rich country, with several minerals and pasture land.

What happened in 1849 and 1850 that deeply affected the lives of the California Indians?

spain lost control of california and the rancheros secularized the missions

How many states did New Mexico lose?

I guess you mean the country of Mexico, as New Mexico is a US state.The states Mexico lost to the US would be: California, Nevada, Utah, Texas and parts of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Wyoming.

What 'Mexican' land was lost to the US?

The Texas cession, which included present day California, Arizona, Utah, Nevada and New Mexico.

When was My Lost Mexico created?

My Lost Mexico was created in 1992.

What did Mexico do about the gold rush?

Nothing. The gold rush appeared just some months after Mexico lost California to the United States after the Mexican-American War (1846-1848)

Mexico Contribute With The Manifest Destiny?

Actually, a victim of it. Mexico lost half its territory (California, Arizona, Texas and other present-day U.S. states) due to this cause.