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st.basil`s catherdral

The Kremlin.

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Q: What are some of the man made features of eastern Russia?
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Related questions

What type of religion does Russia have?

Russia has Eastern Orthodox Christians, some born-again Christians, some atheists, and some regions of Russia have Muslims.

What are some physical features of Russia?

made up of lowlands,contains forests and swamps,lake baikal,ural mts,ural river

What are some distinct facial features of people in Russia?

ChiseledfaceBridge nose

What are some human features in Russia?

i dont know try google

What countries are both in the eastern and western hemisphere?

Some countries that are located in both the eastern and western hemispheres include Russia, Spain, and Indonesia.

Which is the major religion of Russia?

Most in Russia consider themselves Eastern Orthodox Christians, though some are non- practicing. There are also a lot of Jewish people, atheists, and muslims in Russia. Born again Christianity is taking hold in some of the souls in Russia.

What are some of Russian's geographic features?

russia is so large that it included 11 or 12 time zones

Where is orthodoxy practiced?

Eastern Orthodoxy is practiced worldwide, but is most common in Russia, Slavic countries, the United States, and some Middle Eastern and African countries as well.

What are some vacation spots in Eastern Europe?

Some great vacation spots in Eastern Europe would be Pula Croatia, Turkey, Romania, Albania and Russia. They are all beautiful and have many things to see and do.

What are some of the geographic features of Egypt?

nile valley and delta,western and eastern desert ,sinai peninsula.

Roman Catholic main religion in russia?

I'm pretty sure that the larger amount of Christians in Russia are Eastern Orthodox Christian with some amount of born-again Christians.

Name countries in both eastern and western hemispheres?

Some countries that are both in the eastern and western hemispheres include Russia, United States, Brazil, and Australia.