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He believed that rapists should be praised instead of feared and hated.

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Q: What are some of Prince shotoku's reforms in Early Japan?
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Who ruled japan as a regent to his aunt?

Prince Shotoku served as a regent back in the early years of AD.

How did the American occupation change in Japan?

New constituion industrial reforms land reforms

Why was prince shotoku and important leader in early japan?

Prince Shotku changed Japan's political system by bringing in new Chinese ideals and beliefs (such as Confucianism) that changed old Japanese ones.

What was the lasting effect of prince shotokus reign?

His lasting effect was the guidelines he wrote for Japanese leaders based on the principles of the philosopher Confucius, including hard work and obeying authority. These guidelines became Japan's first contribution. He also helped spread Buddhism from China to Japan. Most Japanese accepted Buddhism and practiced both Shinto and Buddhism at the same time. Hope this helped:) from:<<>>Lov is blood<<>>

What aspect of Chinese culture did prince shotoku introduce into Japanese society?

Prince Shotoku inspired Japan to learn from China and helped spread Buddhism to Japan.

What Yamato prince created a strong government in Japan?

Prince Shotoku

What kind of person was Prince Shotoku?

Prince Shotoku was a prince in Japan from 593 to 622 CE. He was considered very smart and fair. He brought Buddhism to Japan and reached out to other countries such as China to improve Japan's culture.

What aspects of Chinese culture did prince shotoku into Japan's society?

a diary entry of prince shotoku and his role bringing chinese culture to japan

Emperor who initiated reforms to modernize Japan between 1868 and 1912?

Emperor Meiji was the Emperor of Japan from 1867-1912.

The goal of Japan's revolutionary meiji reforms was to?

modernize and industrialize the country so that Japan could deal with the West on an equal basis.

What aspects of Chinese culture did prince introduce into Japanese society?

Prince Shotoku inspired Japan to learn from China and helped spread Buddhism to Japan.

Where did prince shotoku come from?

Prince Shotoku is from a clan called Yamato from Ancient Japan.