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Most houses in Ireland are made of brick or stone. Some are made of wood.

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Q: What are some houses made out of in Ireland?
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In Ireland what do they use to make houses with?

Most houses are made of bricks and some are made of timber.

Is Waterford Glass made in Ireland?

Some is made in Ireland and some is made outside of Ireland.

Does Ireland have good houses?

Yes, Ireland does have many good houses.

Who are the main legislative body in Ireland?

The Houses of the Oireachtas included Dáil Éireann and the Seanad. It is through these that laws are made in Ireland.

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Houses in Australia are generally made of steel, timber, bricks or stone. Some older houses are made of fibro.

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Houses in Ecuador are mostly made of cement or concrete. Some houses there are made of mud. if you ever go there you'll mostly see houses made of concrete. :D

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How does a typical community in Ireland look like?

That is a difficult question to answer. There are all sorts of communities in Ireland, so it is hard to say what a typical one looks like. Also, it depends on what you mean by look like, for example the houses or the streets or the people or other things. There are rural communities in Ireland, there are ones in villages, there are ones in small towns, there are ones in large towns, there are ones in cities. They are all different. Most people in Ireland live in towns and cities. People live in houses mostly in Ireland, and some live in apartments. Houses are made of bricks or blocks normally, with not as many made of materials such as wood. There are young and old people, people of different nationalities. There are playgrounds and parks in some communites. There are shops and schools and churches and other such facilities. There is much more that could be said about communities in Ireland, but it is impossible to give a definitive answer to the question.

What hopi houses are made of?

Hopi houses are adobe, witch is made up of straw and mud. and some houses consist of rocks too.

What are house made of in Saint Lucia?

Some houses are made out of cow dung, and some homes are made out of wood so that the roofs don't blow of, but most of the houses are made out of metal

What is some history about Ireland?

We made the submarine

What are hopi houses made up of?

Hopi houses are adobe, witch is made up of straw and mud. and some houses consist of rocks too.