Where can I find good halfway houses for teens needing a place?
A good way to find a halfway house is to talk to the local AA
Where can I find a good Window Repair Shop around Los Angeles area?
One of my windows broke. Where can I find a good Window Repair
shop around Los Angeles area?
What is a good Los Angeles film school?
There are several good film schools located in the Los Angeles
the best 25 in the area. Good luck.
Where can I find houses for rent in Detroit, Michigan in a good area?
michigan.rentalhomesplus.com/Detroit is a good place to
How do you look for a house?
If you know a place with good houses you search in google maps a
good house in that area which is on sale.
Who is a good asbestos attorney in Los Angeles?
A good corporation is Makarem & Associates APLC from the los
angeles area. They are very distinguised and specialize with
absestos clients.
lawyers.findlaw.com/ is a directory of attorneys based in the
United States. By using this site, you will be able to find the
best asbestos attorney in the Los Angeles area.
What are good Catholic high schools in Los Angeles?
Try contacting the diocesan office in that area.
Where can I find a Cabinet Hardware store around Los Angeles area?
I've been looking for a good Cabinet hardware place. Do you know
a place somewhere in Los Angeles?
Where can I find listings of affordable apartments in the Los Angeles area?
losangeles.apartments.com is a good one. You can also check at
Does Ireland have good houses?
Yes, Ireland does have many good houses.
What is a good price for first time house renters?
Anywhere between $90,000 and $400,000, depending on how much
houses cost in your area.
Can you service 8 houses with 1 well?
Technically, yes, but it would have to be a guaranteed good
producer. In my area of Fraser Valley, BC, I have worked on 3-4
deep wells serving 50-60 houses, and many serving 8-12 houses.