you could go to williamsburg its an awesome living muesuem where actors go about as if they are colonial citizens *
people might want to go to Virginia because it is an ideal location which had inspired the explorer Captain John Smith to take over Virginia. Also so they can go sight seeing for wonderful and cool places.
You could go hiking in the forest or other cool places like the moutains.
There are some places you can find cool jobs. You can try Monster or Indeed websites. You can look in your local paper or go to the local employment office and apply.
I have always found that Virginia is a cool place to go. I go there every year. I've been told by many people that the feelings you get when you feel a spirit is near or when something moves in a room is actually your spirit moving the object,not a ghostly creature. anyway, i have some pretty strange pictures (outside during the day) of faces and things I can't explain. Go to eastern VA. Chicago actually has a "Haunted" tour of the city & their most haunted places....pretty cool! The Goldfield Hotel in Goldfield, NV is considered one of the most haunted places in the world.
Living in Virginia beach is awesome! You get to go to go to the beach like everyday! It's so cool!
No casinos in Virginia. You'll have to go to West Virginia or Atlantic City for that (both far away places from Virginia Beach).
you could go to camping in lots of place and you can go to capital of this states.. also.. there many lakes and rivers.. and have a nice trip!!
Ohrid, Macedonia; Bahamas; Yellowstone National Park; Australia; These are just a tiny bit of all the awesome places to go on our cool planet Earth.
You go to the little echo shops probably in some of them there is cool cash in some of them there isn't.
Definatly go to Stanley park on Vancouver island. It has all sorts of cool statues and monumants. Very amusing park.
There are quite a number of various places that one can go to view cool skateboard videos online. Some of these places are video sharing websites such as YouTube, DailyMotion, MetaCafe, or Vimeo. Another good website to view these would be Red Bull's website, as they endorse some professional skateboarders.
No casinos in Virginia. You'll have to go to West Virginia or Atlantic City for that (both far away places from Virginia Beach).