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There are no conflicts in Switzerland.

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Q: What are some conflicts in Switzerland?
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What was a nation not involved in conflict?

Switzerland is a nation that is known for staying out of international conflicts. Switzerland is a landlocked country that borders several other countries, so it is important for them to not make enemies if possible.

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Do horses live in Switzerland?

Some horses do live in Switzerland.

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There are no war conflicts in Bosnia since 1996.

What is Switzerland's landscape?

Switzerland's landscape is rocky and hilly, with some prairies.

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What were some conflicts for the holocaust children in the nazi war?"

Are Some conflicts made worse by peer negotiation?

Some conflicts can be made worse by peer negotiation.

What conflicts did Africa have?

Fight for natural resources and diseases are some of the conflicts that Africa had.

What are some inventions from Switzerland?

there is no technology inventions in Switzerland but they invented the Swiss watch

Popular bank in Switzerland?

There are many popular banks in Switzerland. Some of them are:United Bank of Switzerland (UBS)Credit SuisseEtc.

What beaches are in Switzerland?

Switzerland is a land-locked countries, it does not have a coastline. It does have many lakes, some of which have small beaches.