Most land animals cannot drink salt water. Salt water is good
for sea and some coastal animals and provides a home and provides
nutrients for fish and other sea creatures.
Where can I find some pictures of animals in coastal plains?
google images
What are some animals in Brazil?
There are many animals and it depends on where in Brazil you are
talking about. In the Amazon rainforest there are parakeets,
monkeys, tarantulas, snakes, lizards, crocodiles and many
some animals, such as the desert tortoise get water from cacti and very few flowers that survive in the desert, other animals such as meat eaters can get water from their prey. Some animals can also drink water from seeds.
How do animals use water name some animals and write down how they use water?
All animals drink water for the same use as humans.
What wildlife is found in Brazil?
Well, many wildlife is found in brazil, but mostly monkeys and alot of snakes!Most reptiles live in Brazil, also some bats live in it's caves.JUST ALOT OF ANIMALS!!