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Golf, football (soccer), curling, hunting and other pastimes common to the british isles.

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Q: What are peoples hobbies in Scotland?
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What are some Scotland hobbies?


What are some hobbies or recreation Polish People like to do?

Stick their nose into other peoples business.

What were the hobbies of Laura Secord Ingersoll?

She was not wealthy enough to have "hobbies" as we might think of them but many Americans think her hobby was poking her nose in other peoples business and gossiping about it.

What can be people hobbies?

some peoples hobbies can be painting ,dancing, yoga, learning new languages, baking , reading, golfing, hiking, bowling and a ton more things.

What is Islam peoples hobbies?

That depends on the person. 1.6 billion people aren't going to all like the same thing just because they are in the same religion. You can't ask what Christian people's hobbies are, and the same goes with any religion. If you want to know someone's hobbies, ask them politely.

What percentage of children do hobbies at the weekend?

super lots homey dog man boi girlll and peoples of planet earth and other dwellings

Who were the first people to live in Scotland UK and show map of Scotland UK?

The first people to live in Scotland were likely Celtic tribes. However, Scotland has a long history of occupation by various peoples, including Picts, Romans, and Vikings. As for showing a map, I recommend checking a reliable online map source such as Google Maps or the National Library of Scotland website for an up-to-date map of Scotland.

In which year was the peoples palace in Glasgow opened?

The People's Palace in Glasgow, Scotland was opened by the Earl of Rosebery on January 22, 1898.

What were Henry VIII's top ten hobbies?

having more wives,chopping off peoples heads,singing,playing the lute,and some more things

Who rules in a totalitarian government?

A dictator. Russia is a fine example, lenin was a totalitariast it means he wants to control ever aspect of his peoples lives e.g. religion, hobbies, past-times and ever other aspect of their lives

If Scotland goes independent Will Scotland and Ireland form a Buddie relationship?

It is likely that the Scottish and Irish governments will have similar interests as they will be similar sized nations in Europe. The two peoples of Scotland and Ireland are closely linked and are largely the same people.I'm not sure what kind of 'buddie' relationship you refer to though. I would not expect them to act as one entity.

What hobbies does he do?

He does hobbies.