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Maltese (English)

Maltin (Maltese Language)

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13y ago

they are known as Maltese.

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Q: What are people from Malta called?
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Related questions

What do you call someone from Malta?

Someone who is from Malta is called Maltese.

Where can one get news about Malta?

Malta is located in the Mediterranean Sea and is quite a popular European holiday destination. News about Malta can be found on the website called Malta Today.

What is the name of Malta citizens?

Citizens of Malta are called Maltese or in the native language Maltin.

What is Malta's tree?

if you mean the national tree of Malta it is called 'GHarghar' (ar-ar)

Can you get job in Malta?

Yes, you can but it's hard because a lot of people are living in Malta.

What is the citizen of Malta called?

It is called Maltese

What was the siege of Malta about 1645?

The great siege of Malta took place in 1565 when the Turks attacked the island of Malta but the Maltese people had victory.

What is the play about barabas called?

the Jew of Malta

What do people call people who live in Malta?


What color are the people from Malta?

White :)

Who are the enemies of Malta?

indian People

Are Malta Muslims?

Less than 1% of the population of Malta is Muslim. The majority of people are Christians.