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even though there is all these wars going on but I can say that Somalia has a beautiful river, beach and trees. also don't forget the fresh foods and different types of fruits it offers. the people there are welcoming and everyone in the neighborhood treats each other as a family. they also have gold which western countries are jealous of. the problem lies in the fact that there is no system that is protecting the country. i guess its true, the fact that not every country is perfect for example, in Europe and america their problem is depressions, financial problems, abuse and the fact that they are forgetting about their cultures, religion and family norms which is leading to a lot of problems occurring.

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10y ago

I can't contain the good things that Somali has but infact Somali people are good thought these years some how accured change to them but the reality they are very good people. Actually Somali when it took its independence it tried to search those other countries who didn't have still get their independence such as South African, Uganda and manay other countries in African.

I hope Somali that oneday Somalia will be as it was before.

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