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1. Air pollution 2. Water pollution. 3. Waste production 4. Loss of Biodiversity 5. Food Supply

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Q: What are five major environmental problems we face?
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What are the five basic causes of environmental problems?

The five basic causes of environmental problems are population growth, industrialization and urbanization, agriculture and deforestation, pollution, and climate change. These factors contribute to habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, resource depletion, and overall degradation of the environment.

What five steps are followed to solve environmental problems successfully?

assessment, risk analysis, pubic education, political action, and follow-through

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yes she was abandoned as a child with five other brothers and sisters and had no money .

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What were five major problems occurring in the US that caused the Articles of Confederation to be replaced by the US Constitution?

The articles were a weak form of government.

What are the five major kinds of pollution?

The five major kinds of pollution are air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, and light pollution. These pollutants can have negative impacts on human health, ecosystems, and overall environmental quality.

What are the five major problems with the seventeenth amendment?

1.) This amendment moves us closer to democracy. 2.) The senators are now beholding to the people. 3.) States rights are not protected. 4.) The principle of "separation of powers" is seriously weakened. 5.) Passage of ridiculous laws. The five numbers above are the five problems with the seventeenth amendment. :)

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Thomas Jefferson. whose face is five cents coin

What are the five major problems met by astronauts in outer space?

1. Aliens 2. Asteroids 3. No Oxygen 4. No Fuel 5. No Food

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Face the laws of Canada

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