legalization of marijuana, education, abortion, health care, the environment
Some environmental issues in North America are global warning and oil spill.
There communist
There are four political entities in North America. The four political entities are Canada, France, United States, and, of course, Mexico.
America has always had political allies; even at the time of the Revolutionary War, the rebellious colonies were aided by France. America is currently part of a formal alliance called NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and America's NATO allies are helping America in its current war in Afghanistan. I really do not know what could have given you the idea that America should not have political allies. Allies are helpful.
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There isn't really a "main political" land. All of the countries are political to some extent, in North, Central, or South America.
it is south america
europe and north america
There is no 'New America'. Perhaps you mean North America, which is one of the 7 political continents?