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The religious holidays in the Netherlands are:

Christmas (kerst or kerstmis), celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas is on December 25 and 26.

Good Friday (goede vrijdag), commemorating the crucifiction of Jesus Christ.

Good Friday is on the Friday before Easter.

Easter (pasen), celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In the Netherlands, first and second Easter day are celebrated, the former always being on Sunday and the latter on Monday. Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first new moon after March 21 (the spring equinox). In practise this means between March 22 and April 25 This calculation method was determined after the Council of Nicea in 325AD.

Ascension Day (hemelvaartsdag), celebrating the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven.

Ascension day is on the 40th day after Easter (i.e. always on a Thursday).

Pentecost or Whitsun (pinksteren), celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit to mankind.

In the Netherlands, first and second Whitsun are celebrated, the former being on the 50th day, counting from Easter and therefore always on a Sunday, and the latter on the day after.

These religious holidays are the ones that are known nationwide. Minor holidays like Ashwednesday are not generally recognised or celebrated.

With the number of Muslim immigrants growing, it is not unthinkable that, in the near future, Islamic holidays will also be recognised and maybe become bank holidays (at the expense of, for instance, second Whitsun).

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