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Q: What are all the Europeans who explored Montana?
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Who were the europeans that explored Georgia?

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What Europeans explored Massachusetts?

pilgrims :)

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What Europeans explored Pennsylvania?

The Spanish.

Who were the Europeans who explored Arizona?

The Spanish.

Who first explored washington?

The Europeans

What regins of the world had europeans explored by the late 1700s?

I know they explored the pacific

What were the names of all the europeans who explored this state?

Please rewrite. We don't know what state you ask about.

What continents did the europeans explore?

They explored all continents including Antarctica. They explored Antarctica in the 1900s and explored the rest of the world in 1600s and 1700s. They continents they knew least about were the Americas, Oceania, and Antarctica.

How did the Europeans explore the New World?

The Europeans explored the New World with ships.

Who the Europeans that explored Maryland?

Quete Importa

How did Europeans get their information about Africa?

They explored Africa.