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Q: What are advantages Egypt?
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Iron and bronze weapons

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What advantages does Lower Egypt have to Upper Egypt?

There were few advantages either side had, but it was mostly trading. Upper Egypt had access to the sea, and was able to trade with plenty of other nations. Lower Egypt, however, had acess to Nubia, which the primary source of slaves, ivory and other commodities for Egypt. Also, Upper Egypt had a more secluded location, which meant less enemies to fight from the border. Lower Egypt was situated next to multiple African enemies.

What geographic advantages did ancient Egypt have and how did this help them grow and get stronger?

The Nile river.

What are the advantages of using Google Egypt?

There are quite a few advantages of using Google Egypt, for instance the application included dozens of critical security features to keep your data safe. All the work is automatically saved in cloud.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Egypt number systems?

u smell funky

What are advantages and disadvantages of the annual flooding of the Nile in India?

There are NO advantages to the annual flooding of the Nile in India. This is because the Nile is not in India, it is a river in Egypt.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of printing in ancient Egypt?

All the money you pay, is going straight back to your hotel.

What advantages did pharoahs have in Egyptian society?

Pharaohs received the advantage of political rule over all of Egypt.

What are and disadvantages of the annual flooding of the Nile in India?

There are NO advantages to the annual flooding of the Nile in India. This is because the Nile is not in India, it is a river in Egypt.