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Heracles/ Hercules son of Zeus, who replaced the legal husband Amphitrion, and Alcmene is the most favorite son of the god.

Heracles was challenged in his adolesence by two ladies whether will follow Eudaemonia - easy liife, wealth, fun time etc or Areti/ Virtue - an uhill narrow path of life that everything needs to be conquered through difficulties by his own strength; he sellected the path of Areti.

The oracle of Delphi mandate Heracles to serve the king Eurystheus for 12 years and fulfill the quests required by the king for his insane act to kill his wife Megara and their three children.

Eurystheus required Heracles the following quests:

To kill the lion of Nemea,

to extinct the nine headed monster Hydra of Lerna,

to capture the Ceryneian deer of Artemis,

to kill the boar of Erymanthus,

to clean tha stables of king Augeas,

to kill the Stymphalian birds,

to capture the wild bull of Crete,

to capture the wild horses of Diomedes,

obtain the belt of Hippolete queen of Amazones,,

obtain the oxen of Geryon,

bring the golden apples of Hesperides,

and the last was to bring Cerberus the three headed guardian dog of Hades to surface world.

After the completion of the quests Heracles was free to return to Thebes and marry Deianera. When Heracles killed with a poisoned arrow the centaure Nessos who tried to abduct Deianira, the dying centaure advised her to keep his blood because that would preserve the love of her husband forever.

When Deianira suspected Heracles for an affair with Iole she send him a garment soaked in the Nessus blood. The time Heracles used this garment he felt that it was poissoned and sensed his death but Zeus took him to mount Olympus where he gained immortality.

He married the daughter of Hera Eve.

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13y ago

He is in love with Hera, his favorite daughter is Athena, and he loves to see Artemis hunt, and using weapons Ares makes...(Hepaustus was known to be lazy with his work. That's why everyone calls him "The Lame god")

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Athena is his favorite daughter.

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