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petroleum, natural gas, asphalt, timber, fish

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13y ago

The main agricultural crops grown in Trinidad are: sugar cane, coffee, cocoa,rice citrus, coconuts

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13y ago

crop grown in Trinidad are rice,corn,fruits,vegetable,suger cane,pigeon peas and coco

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sylvester jacob

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3y ago
where yall live ;]

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12y ago

Sugar cane Cocoa Oranges rice, citrus, coffee, vegetables; poultry and etc....

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12y ago

Some permanent crops produced in Trinidad and Tobago are cocoa

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11y ago

pumpkin ,cassava, dasheen ,edoes, melongene ,lettuce, tomatoes, pimento , carrots and many others.

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Q: What are Trinidad and Tobago major exported crops?
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What is a major problem in Trinidad and Tobago?

Right about now its the gangs and violence. This is a major problem because of Trinidad and Tobago small size.

What is the capital of trinida?

Trinidad is the larger of the two major islands of Trinidad and Tobago. Port of Spain is the capital city of the Caribbean nation Trinidad and Tobago.

What is Trinidad and tobago's major import?

prostitutes for villa! :)

What are the major cities of Trinidad and Tobago?

The only one is Port Of Spain.

What does Trinidad and tobago expo rt?

oil and natural Gas are its major exports

What does Trinidad and Tobago manufacture?

Trinidad and Tobago's manufacture is very varied. It is centered around petro-chemicals and the country is a major exporter of methanol. Lumber and wood products are possibly second on the list.

Which of the Caribbean countries possesses major natural gas deposits?

Trinidad and Tobago is the Caribbean country with major natural gas deposits. It is one of the leading producers of natural gas in the region, with significant reserves that contribute to its economy.

What natural resources does Trinidad have?

One of the major resources of Trinidad is oil.

Which southern-most country of the Lesser Antilles is a major exporter of liquefied natural gas?

Trinidad and Tobago

What are the past earthquakes of Trinidad and Tobago?

Trinidad lies on a fault line. There are earthquakes fairly regularly - at least 2 per year. None have done major damage however.

Which country can Caroni be found?

Caroni is a river and region located in Trinidad and Tobago, a dual-island nation in the southern Caribbean. The Caroni River is one of the major waterways on the island of Trinidad.

African crop exported during triangular trade?
