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Stooping the New York draft riots.

Suspending habeas corpus.

Arresting southern sympathizers.


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Q: What are Lincoln's controversial actions during his presidency?
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What are three of lincolns controversial actions during his presidency?

Stopping the new york draft riots, and arresting southern sympathizers

What were Lincolns post presidency activities?

Lincoln was assassinated during his presidency, so he never had any "post-presidency" activities.

How was the economy during Lincolns presidency?

Lincoln wanted the south to come and be a united state again.

What are the names of Congress members during Abraham Lincolns presidency?

This is available on many websites devoted to US political history.

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What amendment was put into during Lincolns presidency?

That would be the 13th amendment which talked about how slavery is illegal and how control over others is not permitted.

What was a major legislation during Abraham Lincolns presidency?

Emancipation Proclamation was historically, immensely significant; without it, our country would be completely different.

What was Abraham Lincolns average weight?

Abraham Lincoln's average weight was reported to be around 180-200 pounds during his presidency.

What was lincolns pre-civil war activity?

He was a united states senator during the presidency of James Polk, he also participated in the lincoln-douglas debates.

Were there any wars while John Quincy Adams was in office?

No. There were no US Military actions during his presidency.

What were important actions during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson?

Luisiana Purchase -> Lewis and Clark Laissez-faire policy

Did tad Lincoln die when his dad was still in Office?

Tad lived past is father's presidency. Lincoln's other son Willie died during Lincolns presidency in 1962 at the age of 11. Tad Lincoln died in 1871 (after his fathers death) in Chicago, IL.