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Q: What are 5 reasons why the British introduced indirect rule in Ghana?
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Was Ghana lead by British?

Yes Ghana was lead by the British

When was British American Tobacco Ghana created?

British American Tobacco Ghana was created in 1991.

When was email introduced in Ghana?

no idea, sorry frnd

Which colonial power controlled Ghana?

First the Portuguese colonized, then soon after the British, Dutch, and Danes came in for a piece of the action.

How long did Britain rule Ghana?

The British took over Ghana in 1921

Is Ghana a coloinsed Ghana?

No, Ghana is an independent country. It used to be colonised by the British but has been independent since 1957.

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What year did Ghana become part of the British Empire?

Ghana became part of the British Empire in 1900 after the final Ashanti war.

the reasons Ghana was not granted?

She wasn't happy

5 reasons why is Ghana developing country?

Ghana is a developing country because of aid dependency.

How has fairtrade been introduced to the country Ghana?

because they are in africa lololololololololol

Who introduced the people of Ghana to Islam in the mid-eleventh centruy?

The Almoravids