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The country is overwhelmingly Roman Catholic. The Government had a census, these were the results: The country has a total area of 27,136 square miles, and has a population of approximately 4 million. 88.4 percent Roman Catholic, 2.9 percent Church of Ireland (Anglican), 0.52 percent Presbyterian, 0.25 percent Methodist, 0.49 percent Muslim, 0.1 percent Jewish. 4 percent of the population were members of other religions or had no specific religious belief. Roman Catholocism, Anglicism, Presbyterianism and Methodism are all denominations of Christianity.

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11y ago
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14y ago

Ireland is predominately Catholic, with the remainder either belong to one of the sects of Protestantism or part of the smaller Jewish or Muslim communities.

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12y ago

the top 2 religions are protastints and cathlics

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10y ago

Mainly Protesntanism (mainly in the North) and Catholicism (mainly in the Republic).

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10y ago

Catholicism mainly, but due to increasing number of immigrants, more religions are becoming popular. In Northern Ireland it is a mix of Catholicism and Protestantism.

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