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Q: What apostle was almost done in by forty men waiting to ambush him at Jerusalem?
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How does a barracuda get ist's food?

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What is the meaning of the word ambush?

An ambush is a surprise attack or trap set up by one party to catch another off guard. It usually involves hiding and waiting in a concealed location until the intended target arrives, giving the attacker the advantage.

What is the most interesting fact about snakes?

some snakes are hunters while others will lie in waiting to ambush their prey.

How do you use ambush in a sentence?

"The soldier was killed during an enemy ambush." "Jack wanted to ambush Tom's plan to become captain of the football team." "They planned to ambush then by hiding behind bushes and jumping out."

What is the synonym for ambush?

ambuscade, ambushment, camouflage, concealment, deception, hiding, hiding place, lurking, pitfall, shelter, trap, trick*, waiting, waylaying

Is there any sense of camouflaging in snakes?

Depends on what you mean. If you mean are snakes camouflaged - the huge majority are - they are almost exclusively ambush predators so camouflage is almost essential.

How do you spell ambush?

Just as you have spelled it: ambush.

What is the collective noun for ambush?

The noun 'ambush' is a standard collective noun for:an ambush of tigersan ambush of widows

What is a ambush?

an ambush is a planned trap.

Another word for unprovoked attack?

'Ambush' is one possible answer.