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Q: What allowed Christians to easily defeat their enemy in Jerusalem?
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----------------------- Jerusalem was holy to Muslims, as well as to Christians and Jews, so to give up Jerusalem would have meant denying Muslims the opportunity to perform pilgrimages to Jerusalem, since Christian rulers never accepted Muslim rights. Contrary to modern opinion, the Arabic empire was not at that time entirely Muslim, but included a very substantial proportion of Christians and Jews, although the ruling classes were Muslim. Generally, Christians and Jews were permitted to visit Jerusalem without hindrance. To have given up Jerusalem would also have provided the crusading armies a well fortified base from which to attack the Arab empire. Even the cities that remained in Christian hands provided bases for attacks until the Christian armies were finally driven from the Holy Land, but Jerusalem was more easily defended, and would extend the reach of the Christian armies right into the heart of the Arabian empire.

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No, Goku cannot easily defeat Vegeta. Goku and Vegeta have about the same strength and power, but Goku is slightly stronger and learned SSJ3 near the end of the manga. Therefore, Goku can defeat Vegeta but cannot do so easily.

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The fourth hokage, obviously. if he could defeat the kyubi, then he can easily defeat kakashi.

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The Old City of Jerusalem was built out of what is colloquially termed "Jerusalem Stone", which is a combination of pale limestone, dolomite, and dolomitic limestone that are very common in the hills surrounding Jerusalem and can be easily quarried there.

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In the original quest you battle him, only very skilled Doom Knights can defeat him. The next quest allows you to defeat him more easily with Sepulchure's help.

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a monkey has very tiny chances of defeating a dragon dragon could defeat a monkey very easily

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