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Q: What all comes under culture?
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all three is under my name, sabbir

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The Anglo-Scandinavian culture

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What are Samoan cultures?

in Samoa they cook their food under grond and they celebrate special days

What is a cell culture how can A cell culture be useful to biologist?

A cell culture is where cells are grown under controlled conditions.

Is lingayat comes under obc?

No Lingayat Caste Will Not Come under OBC Category, There are Comes Under Genaral Category.

What is the root meaning for culture?

Our word "culture" comes from Latin cultura, which means "cultivation", as in agricultura, "field cultivation".

What are the differences in songs all around the world?

Differences in music depend on where the music comes from. The difference also depends on the purpose of the piece and the culture of the songwriter. : )

Why the small amount of African men that do date outside their culture. in the end of the day marry their women from their culture?

It's culture, there are some African men (not alot though) that wouldn't mind dating outside their culture/race but when it comes to marriage, 99% of the time their going to marry women from their culture. The reason is how they are trained since they are little when it comes to marriage.

What is ezhava caste Into which of the four varnas it comes under?

ezhava comes under the of the varnas