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She was 18 when her first husband, King Francis II of France, died in 1560.

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Mary Queen of Scots' was only 15 when she married Francis, who was the Dauphin of France

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Q: What age was Mary Queen Of Scots when she became a widow?
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When did Mary I become Queen of Scots?

There was no Mary Tudor, Queen of Scots. Mary, Queen of Scots was a Stuart who was the great granddaughter of Henry VII. Mary Tudor, Queen of England was her cousin. Mary Queen of Scots was born December 8, 1542.

How old was Mary queeen of Scots when she became queen?

She was 1 week old when she became queen.

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Her daughter, Mary Tudor, who became Queen Mary I. ( & this is not Mary, Queen of Scots)

Was Mary queen of Scots six days old when she became queen?

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Mary Tudor never did become Queen of France. Only Queen of England. Mary Queen of Scots, Mary Stewart became Queen of France the age of 17.

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What queen was executed in 1587?

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Mary Queen of Scots was Elizabeth I's cousin.

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How Long Was Mary Queen Of Scots Rein?

Mary (Stuart) Queen of Scots never was queen of England. You might have her confused with Mary (Tudor) I .

What was Mary queen of Scots known for doing?

Mary Queen of Scots was knows for beheading people she was known as bloody Mary.