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i 1st let my child stay home when he was 8 but i left my rockweeler babysitting him i never did see poor timmy again :(

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Q: What age is it safe to leave a child alone in Reno NV?
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What age in Michigan can a child be home alone?

Only two states have legislated a specific age to leave a child home alone, Illinois and Maryland. Generally speaking, the child must be safe, must feel safe, and know how to take care of themselves in an emergency.

What age can you leave home?

Only two states have legislated a specific age to leave a child home alone, Illinois and Maryland. Generally speaking, the child must be safe, must feel safe, and know how to take care of themselves in an emergency.

How old to stay home alone after school?

There is actually no minimum legal age limit in the UK to leave a child alone if the parent deems the child to be safe. However, if another person questions the safety of the child, it can be seen as negligent behaviour.

Is there a law in Indiana which states how old a child must be to be left home alone?

Only two states have legislated a specific age to leave a child home alone, Illinois and Maryland. Generally speaking, the child must be safe, must feel safe, and know how to take care of themselves in an emergency. Most places believe that 12 or 13 is okay to leave home alone for a couple of hours during daylight hours.

How old do children have to be to stay alone?

Only two states have legislated a specific age to leave a child home alone, Illinois and Maryland. Generally speaking, the child must be safe, must feel safe, and know how to take care of themselves in an emergency. Most places believe that 12 or 13 is okay to leave home alone for a couple of hours during daylight hours.

What age can you live alone in the state of new jersey?

Only two states have legislated a specific age to leave a child home alone, Illinois and Maryland. Generally speaking, the child must be safe, must feel safe, and know how to take care of themselves in an emergency. Most places believe that 12 or 13 is okay to leave home alone for a couple of hours during daylight hours.

At what age can a child be left in a car alone in Oklahoma?

Only two states have legislated a specific age to leave a child home alone, Illinois and Maryland. Generally speaking, the child must be safe, must feel safe, and know how to take care of themselves in an emergency. Most places believe that 12 or 13 is okay to leave home alone for a couple of hours during daylight hours.

Is beastiallty safe?

Leave the dog alone, Karren.

Is it safe to leave your child in a crib by themselves at night?

It is safe to leave a child in a crib at night. As long as the child has not outgrown the crib and is still young enough that they have not figured out how to operate the drop down side it is perfectly safe.

Should a 11 year old child be home alone watching a 7 year old child?

HELL NO.Only two states have legislated a specific age to leave a child home alone, Illinois and Maryland. And while the answer above is pretty direct, it is pretty accurate. And 11 year old does not have the maturity to look after a 7 year old and keep them safe. Generally speaking, the child must be safe, must feel safe, and know how to take care of themselves in an emergency. Most places believe that 12 or 13 is okay to leave home alone for a couple of hours during daylight hours.

What age can a child be left alone on PEI?

A child should be left alone at 13, but leaving him/her alone if him/her is under 13 isn't against the law, infact, everyone does it. It's just listed as 13 because the safe-asses think it would be better at that age3 but to be totally honest, as long as your child is a responsible kid, you can leave him whenever age you find is comfortable!

Should you leave your ten year old daughter at home from 3 to 5?

no you should always take your ten year old with you when your going out. When, your thirteen you can leave them home alone till 3 to 5.There few laws that deal with ages for leaving children alone only a couple states have them. The test would be whether the child is safe, whether the child feels safe, and if the child knows how to obtain assistance if they needed it. Most authorities agree that a 12-13 year old can be left alone for a couple of hours during the day. Ten is pretty young to be left alone.